Workshop resources

This page contains slidesets and other resources for the workshop.  Feel free to access and download the resources.  If you wish to use or re-purpose them please contact the authors directly for permission.  Author emails can be found under the Presenters tab above.

Workshop Recording

The beginning of each presentation is demarcated with a dot at the bottom of the screen after the recording begins to play.


From Theory to Practice: Expanding Simulated Patient Methodologies beyond Healthcare
Lorena Dobbie & Delon Pereira, Standardized Patient Program, University of Toronto

Incorporating Simulated Clients into JD & Continuing Legal Education Programs
Shelley Kierstead & Paul Maharg, Osgoode Hall Law School

Simulated Clients at Scale: The Windsor Legal Practice Simulation
Noel Semple, University of Windsor Faculty of Law

Making Law Students Client-Ready: A New Model in Legal Education
John Garvey and Courtney Brooks, University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law

Simulated Clients in PREP
Erica Green, Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education
Angela Yenssen, Simulated Client Trainer


SC training & background materials

Brief note of client matter for workshop interview demonstration.

SC global assessment criteria

SC student assessment schedule

Brief developmental timetable for planning a SC project


Articles, reports, reference library

Roz Bahrami, Simulated clients challenge conventional legal practices.  Osgoode Hall Law School, February, 2019

Barton, K., Cunningham, Jones, C.G., Maharg, P. (2006). Valuing what clients think: standardized clients and the assessment of communicative competence. Clinical Law Review, 13,1, 1-65

Maharg, P., Yenssen A. Transitioning simulated client interviews from face-to-face to online - still an entrustable professional activity?  European Journal of Law & Technology, forthcoming, 2022.

Gerkman, A., Harman, E.  Bond, L., Sullivan, W.M. (2015). Ahead of the curve: Turning law students into lawyers.  A study of the Daniel Webster Scholar Honors Program at the University of New Hampshire School of Law. Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, Denver, COL.

We have gathered together a small reference library of relevant books, articles, reports etc on the subject of simulated persons.  We have used Zotero, which is free citation software, and the library, comprising 147 items to date, is at this link.